To view account level analytics, go to your settings in the top right corner, and click on Admin.
Here, you can view analytics on all submitted scans through your account, or organization.
If you are using both our website (APP) and our API product, you can look at data for both.
On the top of your screen, you will see a overview of your scan data, including total scans with plagiarism matches, AI cases, text manipulation and cross language cases.
Originality scores relates to your matched text result in red and your AI percentage in purple. Writing Assistant is in reference to our new writing feedback tool, available for purchase on API only right now, but stay tuned for more information!
Cross language plagiarism refers to the number of scans that had matched text results from multiple languages. Learn more about Cross Language Detection here.
Text manipulation incidents are the number of alerts received of Character Manipulation.
Submitted scans and plagiarism results count the total number of scans submitted by month, and the number of results you are receiving as matched text. Next, you'll find the number of credits used within your selected date range.
Finally, you'll see most common sources used from the Internet.
You can also download this data by clicking export in the top right corner.
An example of the downloaded data is seen below: