To add a new LTI 1.3 integration to Schoology, follow these steps:
- First, we need to setup a new integration in the Dashboard:
- Click on New Integration:
- Click the integration setup for Schoology:
- Enter a name of your choice for your new platform integration in the Integration Name input field:
- After you finish entering the name click Next:
- Next, go to Schoology and login with your admin account. Leave the Copyleaks page open.
There are two integrations to set up- The Assignment Tool and the Teacher Scan Tool. In the following steps we will first configure the Teacher Scan Tool.
- In the top of the window click on the four squares icon:
- Click on the App Center button:
- Click on My Developer Apps from the navigation bar:
- Click on Add App:
- A form will come up. First fill in the App Name input field with a name of your choice:
- Fill in the description of the app in the Description input field:
- In the dropdown menu for Category, choose whatever category suits you best.
- For our example here we've chosen Technology:
- Scroll down to the Type of App dropdown menu. From the dropdown menu choose LTI 1.3 App:
- A new form will come up. From the options of Can be installed for select Course Material Selection:
- Click on the Overwrite Domain/URL option and in the input field that opens fill in the url of the tool itself:
Teacher Scan Tool:
Assignment Tool:
- From the Configuration Type dropdown menu choose the Manual option:
- From the Privacy dropdown menu choose Send Name and Email/Username of user who launches the tool:
- In the LTI Advantage Extension make sure that every option is checked:
- Next, fill in the input fields as shown below:
- Check the Require System Administrators to configure settings for this App:
- Check the Schoology terms of use:
- Click the Submit button at the bottom:
- You will be navigated to a new window. From here click on the Options dropdown menu and choose API Info:
- A popup window will open. Copy the Client ID:
- Next, go to the Copyleaks page and click Next:
Click Next in Copyleaks, where you will see LMS Information. In the form enter the Client ID you have copied at Step 27 and the following urls:
Schoology's issuer_id:
Access URL:
Keyset URL:
OIDC Authorization URL :
Copy these links to the correct input fields as color coded below:
- The Copyleaks page will redirect you to a new page where you can see the integration you just created:
- Click on the Install LTI 1.3 App button in Schoology:
- In the dialog that opens, click the I Agree button:
- Click the Continue button:
- Click on the Add to Organization option:
- This will redirect to the Organization Apps and the created tool will be there. Click on the Install/Remove button next to it:
- Make sure that the All Courses option is checked, and click on the Submit button:
- To open the tool click on the Courses tab at the top of the page:
- Choose the course you want to install the app with:
- Click on the Add Material dropdown menu and choose the tool:
- The tool will load and then close itself automatically.
- For the Assignment Tool to be on the grade book, we need to enable grading in the same settings dialog by first making sure that the Enable Grading checkbox
and a Category of your choice is selected (you can create a new category or select an existing one):
So far we've configured Schoology with one of two Copyleaks tools (the Teacher Scan Tool). To configure the second Copyleaks tool (the Assignment Tool) you'll need to follow the same steps with some slight changes.
In the following section, we will go through the steps that need to be modified. Other than the step numbers shown here, all other steps remain the same:
1. In Step 12, enter a name of your choice into the App Name field.
2. In Step 13, enter a description of your choice in the Description field.
3. In Step 18, in the Overwrite Domain/URL enter the link to the Assignment tool: