First, navigate to the integration page on

Next, identify the integration you wish to delete, and click the vertical 3 dots to the right of it.

Click Delete Integration
Read the text box. When you are ready type the name of the integration and click Delete to confirm.

Your integration will automatically delete itself in 2 months.
Now please also delete the app, plugin, or LTI integration from your LMS. If you have any issues in doing so please reach out to
Next, identify the integration you wish to delete, and click the vertical 3 dots to the right of it.
Click Delete Integration
Read the text box. When you are ready type the name of the integration and click Delete to confirm.
Your integration will automatically delete itself in 2 months.
Now please also delete the app, plugin, or LTI integration from your LMS. If you have any issues in doing so please reach out to