Creating Assignments
From your Schoology course, click on Add Materials.
A menu will appear, scroll down to click on Copyleaks Assignment or a close equivalent (the name will depend on the name your admin chose when setting it up).
Once you've clicked on the Copyleaks Assignment tool it will open up. From here you will be able to select general settings. Clicking on the Scan settings link will open a separate tab where the settings can be managed.
You can see an image of the Scan settings page below. Once you have decided on the configuration of these settings for your assignment, make sure to click Save Settings before closing out the tab:
Once you've returned to Schoology, click Submit Assignment at the bottom of the window.
If a student uploads multiple versions of a document to the same assignment, we will NOT compare to their previous submissions. For example, if a student uploads Version 1, Version 2, and Version 3 of a document, we will NOT scan Version 3 against Version 1 and Version 2. However, if the student has uploaded this document to a different assignment, it will be compared. For example, if the assignment is uploaded to English 101 and History 101, we will compare the two against one another.
Viewing Reports
After students have submitted their assignments, click on the assignment to access the submissions page.
At the top of the window, you'll find information on the plagiarism and AI detection totals for the assignment. Scroll down to a student's report that you want to access. Clicking View report will open the report in a new tab.
The Copyleaks Report will appear similar to as shown below:
If a student uploads multiple versions of a document to the same assignment, we will NOT compare to their previous submissions. For example, if a student uploads Version 1, Version 2, and Version 3 of a document, we will NOT scan Version 3 against Version 1 and Version 2. However, if the student has uploaded this document to a different assignment, it will be compared. For example, if the assignment is uploaded to English 101 and History 101, we will compare the two against one another.
Please note: Submissions cannot be removed once added to our internal database, so please make sure you are aware of if this setting is enabled.
Accessing & Using the Instructor Plagiarism + AI Scan Tool
The Instructor Plagiarism + AI Scan Tool enables instructors to scan files or copy and pasted content for plagiarism outside of an assignment. The tool is helpful for late submissions, non-assignment modules such as discussion board posts, and your own class materials. Below the upload window, instructors can view the similarity score of their uploads at a glance and view the interactive report by simply clicking on the score.
To add the tool to a course select Add Materials, then choose Teacher Scanning Tool (or whatever the tool has been named by your admin):
Next, you will see the tool appear in the module. Students won't be able to access the tool, but to avoid any confusion we recommend hiding the tool. This can be done by clicking the cog icon next to the tool and selecting Unpublish.
You'll now have access to the tool by clicking on it from your course.
For more information on how to use Instructor Plagiarism + AI Scan Tool see our page here.