Our new PDF report will enable you to view and easily share information from your Similarity Report. This information includes the percentage of copied content in your document, a list of the sources of this copied content, the percentage of AI detected, and a highlighted overview for each.
To download your report, click the download icon in the top right corner as seen here:
Please see our video below for a walkthrough on downloading and interpreting a PDF report.
At the top left of the first page you will see a pie chart and breakdown of the plagiarism found in the document.
At the top right of the first page you will see a pie chart and breakdown of the AI found in the document.
After the results list section of the report you will see a display of your document with each copied section highlighted with the corresponding color-coded plagiarism type. A key is included at the top of the page.
Finally, if the document contained AI you will see a display of your document with each AI detected section highlighted.