Copyleaks Assessment tool will provide easy access to instructors to review student submissions, leave feedback and review analytics. Please note: this tool is currently only live for Canvas, Moodle, Blackboard and D2L-Brightspace users. Admins will need to complete additional configurations before instructors will have access to this tool.
Once the tool is open, click in to the desired assignment.
Here you can view a preview of the Assignment analytics and click into a specific report to review.
Once you enter the Copyleaks Report, you'll see the different tabs for Matched Text, AI Content, Writing Assistant and Grading and Feedback.
Here you will be able to leave the student comments on their writing by highlighting text and selecting the + icon to add an annotation.
Comments will appear on the left hand side of the screen. Students will also be able to reply to each comment.
You will also be able to leave general feedback, enter a student's grade or move on to the next student submission.
On the left side of the screen, you will also have the option to View All Submissions to this assignment.
You can expand the submissions to review the scores of the other student submissions: