- Go to https://developer.blackboard.com/ and sign in using your company developer account.
- Click on the Register a REST or LTI application button:
- In case you have existing registration, Click on the plus button:
- From the menu that opens, choose Manual Registration:
- In the Application Name and Description input fields, enter a name of your choice for the app registration:
- From the Group drop down menu choose your preferred option:
- Click on the radio button My Integration supports LTI 1.3:
- Next go to Copyleaks LMS Dashboard to create a new integration with Blackboard. Leave the developer blackboard page open.
- Click on New Integration:
- Click on Blackboard:
- Enter a name of your choice for your new platform integration in the Platform Name input field:
- Next, copy the text from the input fields to the form in the developer blackboard page as shown below. Note, the Domain URL should start without the transfer protocol i.e. "https://"
- From the drop down menu Signing Algorithm choose RS256:
- Click the Register Application button at the bottom:
- Next, fill in the input fields in the dashboard page as shown below
- Click Done in the developer blackboard page and Finish in the dashboard page. Note, you'll need your Application ID in later steps when you set up the Copyleaks tools.
To add a new LTI 1.3 integration to Blackboard, follow these steps:
Registering New LTI 1.3 Tool.
In these steps we'll set up three Copyleaks tools (Teacher Scan Tool, Assignment tool and the AI assessment overview) from inside Blackboard.
- Go to Blackboard and sign in with your admin user account:
- Click on the Admin tab on the left side of the screen:
- From the Integrations section, click on LTI Tool Providers:
- Click on the Register LTI 1.3/Advantage Tool tab:
- In the Client ID input field enter the Application ID as provided in Step 16 above.
- Click on the Submit button on the right side of the screen:
- A form will load, make sure that the following checkboxes are checked as shown below:
- Click on the Submit button on the right side of the screen:
- Next hover on the LTI 1.3 integration we just registered; in this example Copyleaks-Tools. While hovering, a dropdown button will appear, click on it:
- From the dropdown menu that opens click on Manage Placements:
- Click Create Placement:
- A form will appear. In the Label input field enter a name for the tool (for example - Copyleaks Teacher Scan Tool or Copyleaks Assignment Tool or Copyleaks AI Assessment Overview). Note, this is how the tool name will appear to your instructors:
- The Description section is optional:
- In the Handle input field enter a name of your choice:
- Make sure that the Availability checkbox is set to Yes:
- Make sure the Deep Linking content tool is checked:
- In the Target Link URI enter the tool URL, in the example we will use the teacher scan tool's URL https://lti.copyleaks.com/api/lti/1.3/teacher-tool/add, the AI Assessment Overview tool URL is https://lti.copyleaks.com/api/
lti/1.3/assessment-tool/add - Click the Submit button from bottom right of the screen:
- Click on the Close Administrator Panel at the top right of the screen:
Next, we'll finalize our setup of the Copyleaks tool:
- Click on the Courses tab from the left of the screen:
- Click on the course you want to use the tool in:
- Turn on Edit Mode by clicking on the toggle button in the top right of the screen:
- Click the Content tab from the left side of the screen:
- Click the Build Content tab:
- A dropdown menu will open. Choose the Copyleaks tool to view it:
- The tool will appear in the content section. Click on it:
- The tool will load in a new window and be ready to use:
Up until this point, we configured Blackboard with 1 of the 2 Copyleaks tools, the Teacher-Scan tool.
To configure the second and third tools, the Assignment tool and AI Assessment Overview, you'll need to repeat steps starting from Step 9 and make small changes in Steps 16 and 17.
- On Step 16, we need to Allow student access in the Type section of this tool
- On Step 17, change the Target Link URI to https://lti.copyleaks.com/api/lti/1.3/assignment/add (assignments)
lti/1.3/assessment-tool/add (assessment overview)
Other than these changes all other setup steps remain the same.